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Hi, my name is Nancy...

I am, a happy work in progress; with over two decades experience in energy work, Aromatherapy, Natural Therapies in the Corporate and Luxury Hospitality fields. I have experienced the highs and lows of life and learned to embrace them all as equally valuable.


I'm not perfect and don't expect my clients to be either. Come as your messy, authentic self and let's work together to transform your life.

I believe that we are powerful beings capable of amazing creativity and purpose. With the right tools and actions, we can tap into that inner power with a foundation in Source Energy.


My mission is to work with soul led female entrepreneurs and humans to live authentically, make a lot of money so we can give back, have awesome relationships and love who they are. People who are willing to transform their lives and that of their greater community (and dare I say it - the world).


Let's make this lifetime awesome.




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